Real-Time System Concepts
- A real-time system is one whose logical correctness is based on both the correctness of the outputs and their timeliness.
- Real-time means computing with a deadline.
- In real-time computing a late answer is a wrong answer.
- Real-time doesn’t mean fast. It means being fast enough to meet the deadlines of the application.
Hard Real-time (HRT) Systems
- Hard real-time (HRT) systems are a subclass of RT systems in which missing of a deadline has catastrophic results for the system
- Cost of missing deadlines is infinitely high
- Late results are useless
- Examples:
- Automobile air bag deployment
Soft Real-Time (SRT) Systems
- Soft real-time systems are a subclass of RT systems in which deadlines may be missed and can be recovered from. The reduction in the quality is acceptable.
- Example:
- Vending machine
- Real-time video
- Telecommunication
Real-Time Design Approaches
There are two primary techniques used in real-time designs
- Super-loop (Grand-loop) technique
- Employed in dedicated applications
- Control code is an infinite loop that may poll several devices
- Used when the main processing loop combined with worst case interrupt latencies is faster than the system deadline.
- Suitable development approach for a small programming team.
- Extremely difficult to guarantee that the deadlines will be met
- CPU is 100% utilized even when the system is idle.
- Multitasking
- Also called pseudo parallelism
- Several threads of control running
- Each threads of control share the same CPU and communicate with each other
- CPU is shared between threads of control using a scheduling policy implemented by the kernel.
- Scheduling policies can be either cooperative, priority-based or round-robin
Real-Time Operating Systems
What is an RTOS?
- A Real- Time Operating System is a software that allows a program to:
- React in a deterministic way to external events
- Communicate with peripherals and other tasks
- Share the CPU and resources between competing threads of execution in a predictable way
- RTOS is a building block for an RT system
- It has a bounded behavior under all system load scenarios
Multitasking Revisited
- Multitasking is the process of scheduling and switching the CPU between several tasks
- Maximizes the utilization of the CPU
- Facilitates modular construction of applications
- Simplifies the design of application programs
- A task (thread) is a simple program that thinks it has the CPU all to itself.
- A Real-Time application consists of several tasks executing concurrently.
- Each task is assigned a priority, its own set of CPU registers (context), and its own stack area.
- Definition
- Kernel is the part of the multi-tasking system responsible for the management of tasks and communication between tasks.
- Services
- Scheduling
- Inter task communication services (Semaphore management, mail boxes, queues, time delays, etc.)
- Scheduler is the part of the kernel responsible for determining which task will run next
- Most real-time kernels are priority based
- Each task is assigned a priority based on its importance
- The priority of each task is application specific
- Control is always given to the highest priority task ready to run.
Context Switch
- Occurs when a Multi-Tasking kernel decides to run a different task
- Steps involved in a context switch
- Save current task’s context(CPU registers) in the current task’s context storage area (it’s stack)
- Restore the new task’s context from it’s storage area (it’s stack).
- Resume execution of the new task’s code.
Multiple Tasks
- A reentrant function can be interrupted at any time and resumed at a later time without loss of data.
- It either uses local variables or protects data when global variables are used.
- It can be used by more than one task without fear of data corruption.
- A Critical Section is the code that needs to be executed indivisibly.
- Mutual Exclusion is used to ensure the exclusive access to a shared resource without data corruption.
- Common Methods are
- Disabling interrupts
- Disabling scheduling
- Using Mutexes(Semaphore)
Non-Preemptive Kernel
- Require that each task does something to explicitly give up the control of the CPU
- Also called cooperative multitasking
- ISR always returns to the interrupted task
- Advantages
- Low interrupt latency
- It can use Non-Reentrant functions
- Disadvantages
- Responsiveness is very law
- Very few real-time kernels are non-preemptive
Preemptive Kernel
- It is used when system responsiveness is important.
- High priority task ready to run is always given control of the CPU
- Most real-time kernels are preemptive.
- Application code using a preemptive kernel should not use non-reentrant functions or an appropriate mutual exclusion method should be applied to prevent data corruptio
Task States
Commonly used synchronization primitives are
- Mutexes
- The operations are
- MutexLock()
- MutexUnlock()
- Semaphores
- The operations are
- Signal()
- Wait()
- Term borrowed from railways
- It is a flag that is set or reset by rtos on request from a thread
- On a set request when it is already set, the task is blocked !
- On the later reset request, the blocked task is resumed…
- Question: Why can’t we use a global flag for the same purpose ?
Reentrancy and semaphores
- Routines using global resources can be made reentrant by setting a semaphore while it is using them
- The segment of code where the semaphore is set is called critical section
- The discipline of setting the semaphore during critical section is self-imposed….
- And hence is an area of potential danger
Types of semaphores
- BINARY – used as a flag
- COUNTING – can take non-negative integer values
- RESOURCE - only the owner can release
- MUTEX - automatically handles priority inversion
- Raise and lower
- Give and take
- Pend and post
- P and v
- Wait and signal
- Forgetting to initialise
- Forgetting to take
- Taking wrong semaphore
- Forgetting to release
- Holding on too long
- Priority inversion
- Deadly embrace
- Avoid semaphore, if you can
Inter-process Communication
Common Inter-process Communication methods are
- Events
- Mailboxes
- Message queues
- Pipes
- Timer functions
- Memory management
- Interrupt routines
- One bit flag used for signalling
- Is set or reset by an event-flag;
- Events are grouped together
- Multiple tasks can wait on an event
- Or a combination of them…
- May be considered as extension of semaphore concept
- Is a software abstraction where a task can keep a mail meant for another task
- Task can wait for a mail to arrive…
- In case the mail box is empty, os will block it
- And will wake it up when a mail arrives…
- Putting the mail is accomplished by placing a pointer at mail box
- If mail box is full, the writing task is blocked
- It is woken up when another task reads a mail thereby making space at mailbox
- Similar to mail-box, but can have many entries
- Writing task add entries to head of queue, reading tasks decodes entries from its tail
- In case the queue is empty, os will block reading task
- And will wake it up when an entry arrives…
- If queue is full, writing task gets an error condition, or may get blocked
- Normally, a queue entry is a pointer to the queue item
- Similar to unix pipe concept
- Multiple tasks can write to pipe and these go as a concatenated stream of byte
- Unlike, mailbox and queue, normally actuel entries are written, not its pointers…
- Os ensures that each write is an atomic operation
- Reading is from other end of pipe, the reading task is blocked in case there is not enough bytes to read
- And unblocked, when they arrive…
- Semaphore is fastest and simplest
- Use event-flags, if you want to wait for multiple conditions
- Use a mailbox if you want to send a pointer to an information bearing structure to a task
- Or a queue when you have many such structures…
- And a pipe in case you do not want to have shared data problem on the memory structures that you keep
- There is no hard and fast rule about what to use when…
- Delay or sleep
- Is normally based on system ticks
- Conditional sleep gets embedded with other functions like waiting for mail to arrive..
- Another facility is to provide a timer abstraction that calls up a user defined function periodically…
- Low priority pollong tasks like man-machine interface is best left to be handled by such a task…
Memory management
- Malloc and free is an option…
- Too fine grain for a real-time system
- Easier to manage is fixed sized pools…
- Rtos has to be told where and how much memory is available
- Essentially, you have to manage your memory
- Rtos will only help you do it…
- Normally interrupt routines becomes part of rtos kernel
- For this to work, the rtos need to be re-compiled whenever an interrupt routine is modified or new one added
- Alternately, an rtos can allow user specified interrupt routines…
- More complex
- And more difficult to debug
- But relieves the botheration of re-compiling the kernel
- Interrupt latency is the time between the reception interrupt and execution of the first instruction in the ISR.
- Interrupt latency is a metric of system response to an external event.
- The longer the interrupts are disabled, the higher the interrupt latency.
- Interrupt Latency = Maximum amount of time interrupts are disabled + Time to start executing the first instruction in the ISR
- Interrupt response is defined as the time between the reception of the interrupt and the start of the user code that handles the interrupt.
- Interrupt Response = Interrupt Latency + Time to save the CPU context + Execution time of the kernel ISR entry function
- Interrupt recovery is defined as the time required for the processor to return to the interrupted code.
- Interrupt recovery = Time to determine if a higher priority task is ready + Time to restore the CPU’s context of the highest priority task + time to execute the return from interrupt instruction
Interrupt Latency, Response and Recovery
Application Programs
- Application program consists of three components
- Tasks
- I/O Device Drivers
- Interrupt Service Routines
- Given a task with actions A and B if any of the following criteria are satisfied actions A and B should be in separate tasks
- Time -actions A and B are dependent on cyclical conditions that have different frequencies or phases.
- Asynchrony - actions A and B are dependent on conditions that have no temporal relationships to each other.
- Priority - actions A and B are dependent on conditions that require a different priority of attention.
- Clarity/Maintainability- actions A B are either functionally or logically removed from each other
Scheduling Algorithms
- Prioritized Preemptive
- Highest Priority task ready to run will is always given control of the CPU. When a task makes a higher priority task ready to run, the current task is preempted and the higher priority task is immediately given control of the CPU.
- Round Robin Scheduling
- When two or more tasks have the same priority, the kernel allows one task to run for a predetermined amount of time, called a quantum, then selects another task.
- A priority is assigned to each task. The more important the task, the higher priority given to it.
- Static Priorities: Task priorities are said to be static when the priority of each task does not change during the application’s execution time.
- Dynamic Priorities: Task priorities are said to be dynamic if the priority of a task can be changed during the application’s execution time.
Priority Inversion
- Priority inversion is a problem in real-time systems and occurs mostly when you use a real-time kernel.
- A priority inversion occurs when a low priority task causes execution of a higher-priority task to be delayed
- If the task holding the lock has a lower priority than the task attempting to acquire the conflicting lock, then the lower priority task is delaying a higher priority one and a priority inversion has occurred.
- Unbounded priority Inversion occurs when the lower priority task is preempted by a medium priority task
- Priority inheritance promises a solution to unbounded priority inversion.
- The basic idea of priority inheritance is to provide dynamic calculation of the ceiling priority.
- When a task blocks on a resource owned by a lower priority task, the lower priority task inherits the priority of the blocking task and continues.
Advantages of RT Kernels
- RTOS allows real-time applications to be designed and expanded easily
- Simplifies the design process of RT Systems
- Time Critical events are handled as quickly and and efficiently as possible
- Provides valuable services such as semaphores, mailboxes, queues, time delays, timeouts etc.
Disadvantages of RT Kernels
- Extra cost for the kernel
- More RAM/ROM
- 2 to 4 percent additional CPU overhead
Overview of modern RTOSs
- MicroC/OS-II
- pSOS
- RT-Linux
- uC/OS-II is a portable, ROMable, scalable, preemptive, multitasking kernel for real-time systems.
- Execution time of all uC/OS-II functions and services are very deterministic
- uC/OS-II provides a number of services such as mailboxes, queues, semaphores, fixed-sized memory partition and time-related functions.
Task Handling Method
Memory Management
- uC/OS-II supports only fixed block memory management
- Application can request fixed-block memory blocks from a partition made of contiguous memory area.
- Allocation and deallocation of these memory blocks are done in constant time and is deterministic.
- MicroC/OS-II supports following IPC primitives
- Mail Boxes
- Message Queues
- Semaphores
- Event Flags
- Interrupts can suspend the execution of a task.
- If a higher priority task is awakened as a result of the interrupt, the highest priority task will run as soon as all nested interrupts complete.
- Interrupts can be nested up to 255 levels deep
- QNX is a POSIX complaint operating system for embedded and real-time applications
- QNX has a microkernel architecture
- QNX consists of the small Neutrino microkernel managing a group of cooperating processes
- QNX is a message based operating system
- QNX uses process-thread model for task handling
QNX Architecture.
- Neutrino is a microkernel implementation of core POSIX features along with fundamental QNX message-passing services.
- Neutrino provides the following services
- Threads, Message passing, signals, clocks, timers, interrupt handlers, semaphores, mutual exclusion locks, condition variables, barriers.
- Neutrino is fully preemptible, even while passing message between processes.
- QNX has Symmetric Multiprocessor (SMP) Support
- Every process has its own virtual memory space
- Virtual memory is supported by the paging mechanism of the processor
- Virtual memory protects processes from each other which enhances robustness of the system
- Swapping is supported but can be disabled
- QNX supports following IPC primitives
- Semaphores
- Mutexes
- Condition-variables
- Barriers
- shared-memory
- Interrupt redirector in the microkernel handles interrupts in their initial stage
- User-level threads (usually resource managers) can attach an ISR to a hardware interrupt number.
- Supports Interrupt sharing by attaching more than one ISRs to a hardware interrupt number.
- ISRs can send pulses and signals to threads which are waiting the interrupt.
- pSOS is a modular high performance real-time operating system designed specifically for embedded microprocessors.
- pSOS is built around pSOS+ multitasking kernel and a collection of companion software components.
- pSOS System Environment
- pSOS has a flat memory space
- MMU is supported but it is optional
- No virtual memory/swapping support
- No memory protection for tasks
- Provides two set of memory handling functions
- Regions which are non fixed sized memory pools
- Partitions which are fixed sized memory pools
Inter-Process Communication
- pSOS supports following IPC primitives
- Message Queues
- Events
- Semaphores
- Asynchronous Signals
Interrupt Handling Method
- Interrupt Handling is nested and prioritized
- Interrupt Handler uses kernel or interrupt stack (depending upon the target)
- Most synchronization and communication objects can be used for the communication between ISR and other tasks.
Interrupt Latencies
- RT-Linux is an operating system in which a small real-time kernel coexists with the Posix-Like Linux kernel.
- A simple real-time executive (RT Kernel) runs a non-real-time kernel (Linux) as its lowest priority task.
- Real-Time Linux is a version of linux that provides hard real time capability.
- It extends standard UNIX programming environment to real-time problems
Memory Management
- RT-Linux doesn't support memory protection
- Virtual memory/swapping supported
- No dynamic memory allocation is available
Inter-Process Communication
- RT-Linux supports following IPC primitives
- Mutexes
- Shared Memory
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